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Books by Helaine Becker

Book Cover: The Fossil Whisperer

The Fossil Whisperer

Author: Helaine Becker
Illustrator: Sandra Dumais
Publisher and Year: KCP 2022

Synopsis: "Wendy has an eye for the unusual and is skilled at finding things that others don't see. While on a school field trip at age 12, she spots one of those unusual things poking out of the ground, and it turns out to be a piece of fossilized coral that's 100 million years old. Wendy's thrilled! And soon, she gets hooked on finding fossils. When she grows up, Wendy turns her passion into her career and becomes a preeminent fossil hunter, known as the “fossil whisperer” around the world. But it's on a dig close to home where Wendy makes her most important discovery: Wendiceratops!.

This readable biography of a unique female role model in the male-dominated field of paleontology has strong STEM connections in life science and paleontology and applications in Earth history. It includes a biographical note, more information about Wendiceratops and fossil hunting, a timeline, a glossary and further reading."

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Alice and Gert: An Ant and Grasshopper Story

Author: Helaine Becker
Illustrator: Dena Seiferling
Publisher and Year: Owlkids 2020

Synopsis: "It’s high summer in the meadow where Alice the ant and Gert the grasshopper live. Alice is hard at work preparing for winter, harvesting heavy loads of seeds. Meanwhile, Gert prefers to play, since winter is ages away. Gert dances through the long days of summer, singing, performing, and creating art out of flowers and leaves. Alice tries to convince Gert to work, but Gert wants to have fun—and to entertain Alice, too! She hates to see Alice work so hard.

When winter arrives, Gert’s nest is cold and her food supplies are low. But rather than refusing to share, Alice acknowledges the value of Gert’s work and the beauty of the art that lightened her load. Alice repays Gert’s kindness by sharing her hard-won food.

Based on the classic story of the ant and grasshopper, this is a modern fable with a heartwarming twist that values diverse contributions and honors friendship and the power of art."

Where to Buy the Book

About Helaine Becker

Helaine Becker is both a digital artist and the bestselling author of more than 90 books for children and young adults, including the #1 Canadian national bestseller and “enduring Canadian Christmas classic” A Porcupine in a Pine Tree (Scholastic Canada) and the international bestseller Counting on Katherine: How Katherine Johnson Saved Apollo 13 (Henry Holt).

720 Bathurst St., Suite 412, Toronto, ON M5S 2R4

Phone: 1-416-515-1559

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