CANSCAIP Meeting: Wed. Nov. 9, 7:00 pm
SPEAKERS: Joyce Grant & Angela Misri -
How to use the web to sell books
Do you think of the internet as a big waste of time, looking at cat pictures when you should be writing? It can be. But it can also be the fastest way to find and engage a new audience and actually sell books. This session is all about focusing your time online to drive readership and book sales. From your author/illustrator website to your Goodreads presence to tweeting - we’ll give you some great ideas!
Angela Misri is a YA author who spent 14 years as CBC Radio's digital expert. She teaches digital journalism at Ryerson University and U of T.
Joyce Grant is a picture book and middle-grade
author. She has created award-winning marketing campaigns, ads, and strategic marketing for corporations, and formerly co-owned a small ad agency.
ANNOUNCEMENTS BY MEMBERS: Got a new book? Won an award? Book launch coming up? Announce it at the meeting! Put Member Announcement and your name in the subject line, and send the following information to office@canscaip.
- Your name
- Book title (and/or launch, award, tour)
- Genre and/or age range
- Publisher
- Summary of your book (2 or 3 sentences)
- Will you make your announcement at the meeting in person?
PRE-MEETING DINNER WITH THE SPEAKER: Please join us for dinner with the speakers. RSVP to Cathy Rondina. We meet at 5:30 at The Pickle Barrel (1 block N of Eglinton, W off Yonge, 2nd floor of Yonge-Eglinton Centre).
LOCATION: We meet in Room 224 (2nd floor) at Toronto Public Library Northern District Branch, 40 Orchard View Blvd. (1 block N of Eglinton, W off Yonge).
TRANSIT: TPL Northern District Branch is 1 block N of Eglinton station on the Yonge subway line.
PARKING: The closest Green P parking is 75 Holly St. (1 block E of Yonge, S of Eglinton). Other Green P lots are on Erskine, Castlefield and Sherwood, 3 to 5 blocks N of Eglinton. The Yonge-Eglinton Centre has (expensive) underground parking, with an entrance on Orchard View Blvd.