But don't despair!
There's still hope!
Because of demand, we're creating
a waiting list...and inviting another industry professional to Pitch Perfect!
To secure your spot,
or call (416) 515-1559
presents our inaugural full-day
PYI Pitch Perfect!
SUNDAY October 19th, 2014
Canada's oldest and largest conference for building the craft and business of writing, illustrating and performing children's culture has teamed up with Humber to bring CANSCAIPers a specialized PYI follow-up workshop and critique day with top editors and art directors.
Who will benefit most? This workshop day is for CANSCAIPers who have a completed manuscript or portfolio ready to go out to market. Learn how to get your current project published, and how well it fits with industry needs.
From picture books to young adult novels,
we want to see your work!
The morning will begin with an industry panel focused on
Michael Solomon, art director with Groundwood Books, leads a discussion with Shelley Tanaka of Groundwood Books, Stacey Roderick of KidsCan Press and Tara Walker of Tundra Books on what makes a project stand out.
The afternoon session will include:
- two critique sessions with two different leaders
- peer feedback
- questions with your table leader
Writers will be required to submit a short synopsis of their manuscript and a 500 word sample before the conference.
Illustrators will develop illustrations for a piece of text over a six week period before the conference. The finished pieces will be reviewed during the first critique session. Personal portfolios will be reviewed during the second session.
Additional details will be posted here and sent to participants

PANEL 10am - 11:10am
Roundtable One 11:30am-1pm
Lunch (on your own) 1pm-2:15pm
Roundtable Two 2:15pm- 3:45pm
Final Wrapup 3:50pm-4:05pm
The entire day, including morning coffee and tea, is only $200.00. No lunch is served; please bring your own!
Schedule At A Glance

Refund Policy: Cancellation fee is $45.00 before September 5. No refund after September 5.
For more information, please email office@canscaip.org or call (416) 515-1559.
A Deal You Shouldn’t Miss...
New to CANSCAIP? Want to find out what being CANSCAIP Friend is all about? Join the community and keep growing as a writer or illustrator. Expand on what you learn from our exciting lineup of workshops and grow your network of children's culture creators as well.
How? By joining CANSCAIP as a Friend!
As a Friend you receive our quarterly newsletter, The CANSCAIP News, featuring profiles of our professional members explaining how they practice their craft, up-to-date marketing information and cross-country news about what’s happening in the children's literature community.
On our website, you have access by password to a Members/Friends-only section that includes useful and informative articles plus a Critique Exchange.
As a first-time Friend, join at the special PYI fee of $35 (regularly $45) when you send your application with your registration form.
CANSCAIP acknowledges the generous support of our conference partner Humber College School of Creative and Performing Arts.